Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Internet (J1-2)

The internet! What a wonderful inanimate object that we have today. You know it's birthday was on the 29th of October, born in 1969. Anyway about internet itself. First can I say it changed society and the way of life for most people in the world. It definitely has changed my life, growing up with all this fancy technology. It grew so fast once released though. Almost instantaneously if you would like. What really caught my mind was that because it did spread so fast, that universities were among the first to have computers with internet access. Or at least trying to have access. Why wouldn't the rich people try to get one for themselves. It probably would've been pointless and the wealthy were probably the ones funding the scholars, but I just wanted to ask and find out. Something else too. How all media is now on the Internet and is effected by it. Because anyone can create their own profiles on about any website, then the world as we know it really isn't private at all and you are being watched almost constantly. At least that's what I get from it, because what you post is out there and you can't just delete it off the www with a click of a button. I guess it has to be whatever though. This was a very interesting lecture and the most I've probably learned about the Internet in my life, so kudos to Mr. Miller.

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