Monday, November 4, 2013

Reponse to Classmate (J1-2)

Alyssa did a nice job covering what the WLKY news station might have missed and may have to fix. What i mean is the shortened amount of time that they have to actually cover stories while on the air. From what i got by reading the blog, was that WLKY spends too much time on some stories so others may not be included. Those smaller stories that aren't included may impact the daily lives of people in the area. Such as the story WLKY didn't share about the bridge crash that backed up traffic heavily that day. I totally agree that new stations need to worry more about sharing the stories that will effect people, rather than fluff.

But one thing that she didn't mention was what principle or yardstick that this violated. If she would have then explained how the critique would've been a whole lot better.

The link to the media critique is found at the top of this page.

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