Friday, September 27, 2013

Post About a Post About a Post

Yeah sure I might agree somewhat with this classmate of mine but I totally disagree with most points they made. First you obviously had to look at the original blog on Will's page which is also found on the link above ^^. But heres the thing, his blog didn't say anything about attacking Syria because they annoy us, his point was to say we are confused whether or not to attack them because of the chemical warfare usage. His blog was well written and had all information needed. This blog by Brigid was completely off track. I don't think she got the point. I'm not trying to bash her or anything, I'm just saying that she didn't understand what will was trying to say. That ties into our section about mass communication also, by this being an example of a filter in the decoding stage. She just didn't quite understand what was being said, or trying to understand. But back on the main idea that pushed me to blog about this situation. What I'm not entirely sure about is how Brigid thought this was harsh. Maybe it's sensitive subject, I'll never know.

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